Monday, June 15, 2009


hye dearz, sory la lame da aku tak post pape comment.. on9 pn da jrg..
so bz dgn keje la dear.. kol 9lbh pg msuk keje, kol 10 mlm baru aku blik..
ahad siang baru aku off then mlm keje smula..
ni on9 pn coz nak tgok result utk final sem yg dulu..
leh la, tp tak smpi 3 pointer la dear..
pape pn aku hrp sgt2 dpt cntinue my dgree as soon or dpt la keje yg elok..
miss u all so much dear... kah5...

Thursday, May 14, 2009


pas abis praktikal kt UTM ari tue kne present smula kt UiTM...
alhamdulillah sumenye ok..
esoknye plak, aku terus keje kt satu kedai serbanika dekat2 dgn umah...
heheh.. sje je lepaskn boring...
smbil2 tue aku g amik lesen kete..
moga2 sumenye ok spjg 2 bulan cuti nie...
n hope aku dpt smbg dgree nanti...AMIN

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


bangunan wcc baru, cantik tak??

staff2 wcc & lecturer....

Aku praktikal kt UTM skudai.. Mula2 aku d tmptkan d CICT(Center for Information & Communication Technology) selama lbh kurg 3 bulan.. Best la byk gak wat keje2 luar.. Selalu ikut technicion pasang cable,switch, mcm2 tmpt n keje la yg diorg ajar.. Mula2 pakai baju kurung je.. Cntrol ayu, hak3.. Last2 diorg sndiri yg suh aku pki suar, lg selesa wat keje..
Then dlm ptghn bulan 3, aku kene trnsfer ke WCC(Wireless Communication Centre) sbb de kene wat website kt sne.. Huhu cdihnye tak thingga.. Tpksa tggalkan kwn2 n sume.. Ye la da selesa n hepi duk sne.. Mula2 bosan gak.. Tp lme2 seronok coz staff2 cni sume sporting.. Student pn sme gak.. Aku lg byk wat keje luar.. G survey WIFI kt kolej2.. Seronok..
Tp akhirnye aku tpksa tggalkan sume ni.. Cedihnye.. Tp aku takkan lupakan memory LI ni bsama kwn2 baru n staff yg sporting sumenye.. Kt cni aku nak ucpkan thanks byk2 kt kwn2, staff2 n spe2 yg da byk tlg dri segi pe je spnjg aku kt UTM.. Thanks to En Zainudin,my supervisor, En Nizam,technicion CICT, Prof Tharek,staffs WCC, kak ju,kak liza, kwn2 dgree,master,phd,rmi lg la.. Sory la aku tak dpt nak list sume.. Miss u all!!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

someones that i hope he'll appreciate by my recent post..
also what i'd doing for our 'relationship'..
but lastly,,, hmm i cant say anything..
forget it!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


morning friends!!!
sje2 je nak post blog ni..
pada spe2 yg tak puas hati comment me je k..
tak de la..
just nak cite cket pasal chelsea..
football club ni aku tgok mkin hebat la.. hik3!!
walaupn aku lgsg tak minat bola,tak tau pn isu2 semasa bola nih..
setahu aku diorg da tikar couch baru eh??
myb sebab 2 smgt mkin berkobar2 kot..
last week diorg lwn liverpool utk quarter final..
wah menang 4-3..
pas 2 pg td diorg lwn lg tp just seri 4-4..
so klu ikutkan argregate chelsea la yg dpt ke semi final.. haha
pas ni pe yg aku tau diorg akan lwn barcelona plak..
chayok chelsea!!!

p/s: sory la klu ayat2 aku 2 tak sedap mcm care pakar2 cte pasal bola.. kih3!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pikom PC Fair!!!

Two days ago(ahad), dpt jgk aku capai hajat nak ke pc fair.. ni sume berkat my bf yg berhati mulia snggup layan aku bw g sne.. ahaks! kali ni diorg wat kt Persada International Convention Centre, jb.. gerak plak da ptg dlm kol 4.. sudah semestinya kitorg akan mgharungi jalan yg sgt sesak, 'jem', hujan yg tak berapa lebat tp tak nak bhnti.. nak parking pn tpkse round 2 kali... hehe!!
Dushh!!! da agak ramai sgt org yg dtg.. dgn bhmpit2 aku menyelit2 jgk nak tgok ape bnda yg de jual kt c2.. akhirnya berkat 'tresure hunt' aku just beli cooling pad + sticker notebook = screen protector.. keh3.. tp tak smpat la nak survey harga.. pe yg nmpak just capai n bayar..
Otw blik kitorg sggah kedai mkn kt skudai..aku pe lg promote la mknn favourte aku mse LI ni..
iaitu NASI AYAM PENYET.. keh3 sedap oo.. my bf pn tgkap lentok.. siap capai ayam kt pinggan aku lg.. aduss..

p/s: smpai dekat kol 8 sbb tkejar2 nak tgok ABPBH.. hik4

My Life Would Suck Without You

Guess this means you're sorry
You're standing at my door
Guess this means you take back
All you said before

Like how much you wanted
Anyone but me
Said you'd never come back
But here you are again

'Cause we belong together now, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me
And honestly
My life would suck without you

Maybe I was stupid
For telling you goodbye
Maybe I was wrong for
Tryin' to pick a fight

I know that I've got issues
But you're pretty messed up too
Either way, I found out
I'm nothing without you

'Cause we belong together now, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me
And honestly
My life would suck without you

Being with you
Is so dysfunctional
I really shouldn't miss you
But I can't let you go, oh yeah

'Cause we belong together now, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me
And honestly
My life would suck without you

'Cause we belong together now, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me
And honestly
My life would suck without you

Monday, April 13, 2009

Can Vote Ady???

hye there..
i'm create the post bcoz of day that i create this blog..
just who are my frends will knowing thats meaning...
anyway, nice to share with u all about my self, my life n whatever i'll post soon..
hope u all will enjoy by my posting..

p/s: actually today is my besday!!! hmmm..